Liberty Basic

I love programming and I love programming languages. So I try to do something useful or not so useful in every language I encounter. In my main language Java, C#, Visual Basic, all kinds of famous BASIC versions of the past. Python for micro:bit but also various visual languages like MakeCode and Scratch.
BASIC was the first language I tried to use on the Commodore 64, as many of us. No, not really true I had a Phillips G7000 VideoPac with an Assembly language cartridge. But there was no real manual how to code the G7000.
But programming on the Commodore 64 was not my thing, goto's and gosub's were never my thing. The books I tried to read gave you some listings but never explained why structuring your code was important. I really learned to program in Visual Basic. that was for me an eye-opener, I learned it before I got involved in programming at a daily base. Learned it from a book with the promise of a certificate. Did the same thing with Visual C++ (I really loved MFC).
But the Commodore 64 was followed up by an Apple Macintosh ED, Atari ST, Atari STe, Atari Mega STe. Except for Apple al those systems are commercially gone now and are living on as emulators or as hardware with collectors.
I have to say that I am one of those collectors, so I have several C64's, Amiga's, Atari's (ST/TT/Falcon), ZX Spectrum, 8 bit (the beautiful GS) and 16/32/64 bit Apple's. My latest acquisition (Ferengi word in fact, it sounds very distinguished) is a Sinclair Spectrum QL.
But I also collect programming languages and to be honest, that cost you a lot less space.
But lately, via Facebook, I noticed a new BASIC version created by Carl Gundel, called Liberty BASIC, a BASIC dialect, here some more information:
On Facebook
In the near future I will create a new story with the reason for a new style of BASIC and some code examples.